abito roslyn

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Abito lungo champagne elegante con piume e spacco laterale

SKU: 49527
Colore: ORO
Taglia: XS

Scopri l'eleganza senza tempo con questo abito lungo color champagne realizzato in tessuto lucido che cattura la luce con ogni movimento. Il design a spalline sottili e dettagli di piume leggere sulla scollatura aggiunge un tocco sofisticato e glamour. La silhouette aderente valorizza le curve, mentre lo spacco laterale dona un effetto sensuale e raffinato, ideale per eventi importanti come cerimonie, gala o serate eleganti. Abbina questo abito a tacchi alti e accessori minimal per un look impeccabile e indimenticabile.

Le Aste di Sohà offers you the most popular and convenient payment methods to make your purchases. At checkout, in fact, you can choose whether to pay with:

Bank transfer , entering the order code that you will receive via e-mail as the reason for payment;

Cash on delivery , giving the order amount directly to the courier at the time of delivery;

Paypal , the most convenient, fastest and safest payment system for online shopping;

Afterpay , paying for your order in 3 convenient installments of the same amount, without interest.

To offer you a fast and reliable service, Le Aste di Sohà relies on BRT to deliver your purchases throughout Italy. In fact, once sent, the package will be at your home in approximately 24/48 hours. Furthermore, in the checkout you can choose to integrate your shipping with the following additional services:

SMS notification , with which, by providing a valid mobile number in the shipping data, you will receive a confirmation message when the courier has collected your package from our warehouses;

Delivery by appointment , to agree by telephone with the courier the day and time of delivery of your package;


abito roslyn

€295.99 €236.79

abito roslyn

€295.99 €236.79
Colore: ORO
Taglia: XS


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